Key Takeaways from the May 2024 3rd Partners’ Meeting in Oslo

In a pivotal event for the LOST2 project, partners gathered in Oslo on May 28th and 29th, 2024. This meeting, hosted by the Norwegian partner Euromasc, was a significant step forward in the project’s mission to improve educational and training systems for the Qualification of “Expert in the Research of Missing People & Minors” across Europe.

Day 1: Building Foundations for Collaboration

The first day commenced with an opening session led by EUROMASC, setting a collaborative atmosphere. Each partner (either present or online) provided detailed presentations of their pilot action plans, ensuring a shared understanding and alignment of project goals.

Highlights of the first day included:

  • Pilot Action Plans: Each partner outlined their specific contributions and plans.
  • Piloting Questionnaire: Discussions led by ΟMNIS and ARLAB focused on evaluation methods.
  • Transnational Curriculum: OMNIS introduced a curriculum designed to be adaptable and scalable.
  • Administrative Coordination: ARLAB conducted a session on project management and responsibilities.

The day concluded with informal networking, fostering stronger relationships among partners.

Day 2: Strategic Refinement and Planning

The second day focused on enhancing project tools and strategies. EUROMASC set the tone with an opening meeting that laid out the strategic objectives for the day.

Highlights of the second day included:

  • Content Template: presented a template for ensuring high-quality and consistent project outputs.
  • Interactive Refinement: Partners collaborated on refining tools and methodologies.

The meeting ended with a summary of next steps and key deadlines, ensuring clarity and alignment among partners.


The Oslo meeting was a significant success, characterized by productive discussions, strategic planning, and further strengthening of the partnership. The collaborative efforts and piloting actions’ finetuning developed will be crucial in achieving the LOST2 project’s objectives and improving educational offerings across Europe. Next pivotal meeting will be held in October 2024 at Athens, Greece, hosted by partner “The Smile of the Child”.

Stay updated with our progress by following our website, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts as we continue to drive this transformative project forward.