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Course 3 Research and Implementation

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A. Bastard Search. In the ΄΄slang΄΄ among Rescuers, this method of investigation is also referred to as Bastard Search and this comes from the cases where the investigators have thoroughly searched all the possible places where the missing person may be and finally it turns out that the missing person has returned to his house.

B. Limitation Research. When the Search and Rescue Team can immediately start the search from there and since they know or can estimate how long ago the person was there, in combination with the usual behaviors resulting from the analysis of the missing person profile, they can it also calculates the maximum distance it can have traveled.

C. Urgent Search Hasty Search. The Urgent Search is applicable in all cases where the search starts immediately from the first minutes up to the first 2-3 hours from the time of disappearance, provided that the Search and Rescue Team knows the area well and there are many chances that the missing person (especially when it comes to a child) has been seriously injured or trapped. One of the goals of the researchers is to check immediately dangerous places such as cliffs, wells, caves, ditches, pipelines, water points, power stations, high crime areas, expressways, footbridges, etc. within the calculated area and a radius equal to the maximum distance it can be calculated to have traveled.

D. Grid Survey. When Casual, Urgent and Restricted Searches are unsuccessful, but at the same time information and clues persist in the same area that we have searched, then the Search and Rescue Team should sweep the area with a thorough search of every possible point.